Tax Relief Counsel:

Federal Criminal Tax Attorney

Defending your rights and financial well-being is Tax Relief Counsel’s unwavering mission. Our federal criminal tax attorney is here to fight for your interests every step of the way.

Trusted Criminal Defense Attorney in Washington, D.C.

Trusted Criminal Defense Attorney in Washington, D.C.

The IRS Criminal Investigation Division (IRS-CI) reports that in fiscal year 2022, 401 tax fraud offenders were sentenced under federal guidelines, highlighting the gravity of tax-related convictions.

The agency’s annual report for the same year revealed a remarkable 90% conviction rate in over 2,550 investigations focusing on tax fraud, money laundering, and cybercrimes. IRS-CI agents dedicated approximately 70%–72% of their time to investigating tax evasion and fraud cases.

Statistics like these underscore the seriousness of federal tax crimes. Fortunately, our dedicated criminal tax defense attorney stands ready to be your unwavering advocate in the face of complex tax-related challenges.

Trust our criminal tax attorney to formulate a robust defense strategy that protects your rights and financial future. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation and secure the peace of mind you deserve.

Understanding Criminal Tax Matters

Federal tax crimes encompass a wide range of criminal violations. These cases differ significantly from civil tax matters in terms of their severity and potential consequences.

Criminal tax matters typically involve:

  • Deliberate and willful actions to evade taxes, typically with the intent to defraud the government.
  • Criminal charges, including prosecution by government agencies like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or other law enforcement bodies.
  • Severe penalties, including fines, asset forfeiture, and imprisonment.

A tax fraud or evasion charge could have lasting repercussions on your finances, professional endeavors, and reputation, regardless of whether you’re convicted.

Common Types of Criminal Tax Cases

Common Types of Criminal Tax Cases

Most criminal tax cases involve individuals or businesses that intentionally engage in illegal activities to defraud the government or avoid paying taxes. Some of the most common types of crimes include:

  • Tax Evasion: Deliberately underreporting income, inflating deductions, or employing subversive tactics to reduce taxable income or avoid paying taxes owed.
  • False Tax Returns: Filing tax returns with fabricated or fictitious information, such as inflating expenses, concealing income, or providing false documentation.
  • Offshore Tax Evasion: Hiding income and assets in offshore accounts or entities to evade U.S. tax obligations, a practice known as offshore tax evasion.
  • Pyramid and Ponzi Schemes: Involvement in illegal investment schemes that generate income while dodging taxes on earnings.
  • Identity Theft Tax Fraud: Stealing someone’s identity to file false tax returns and claim refunds fraudulently.
  • Employment Tax Fraud: Failing to report or remit payroll taxes withheld from employees’ wages or misclassifying employees as independent contractors to avoid tax obligations.
  • Tax Shelter Abuses: Illegitimate use of tax shelters or abusive tax schemes to reduce or eliminate tax liability.
  • Trust Fund Recovery Penalty: Misappropriation of withheld payroll taxes intended for the IRS, leading to criminal charges against the responsible individuals.
  • Criminal Conspiracy: Participating in schemes or conspiracies with others to commit tax fraud or evasion, which can lead to joint criminal liability.

Tax authorities like the IRS-CI actively investigate and prosecute individuals and entities involved in these and other criminal tax offenses. If you’re facing charges of such a crime, it’s highly recommended that you seek legal counsel from an experienced criminal tax attorney to protect your rights and mount a strong defense.

What Are the Possible Penalties for Criminal Tax Convictions?

The penalties for criminal tax convictions vary based on the nature and severity of the offense, as well as other factors. Here are a few possible outcomes:

  • Fines: Fines can reach the hundreds of thousands or even millions, especially for substantial evasion.
  • Imprisonment: Sentences vary widely, from months to decades.
  • Restitution: Convicted offenders may be forced to repay unpaid taxes, interest, and penalties.
  • Asset Forfeiture: The government may seize the offender’s assets to cover their liabilities.
  • Probation: Probation typically involves court-imposed conditions like reporting and community service.
  • Professional License Loss: Certain professionals may face license revocation for their violations.
  • Endangered Immigration Status: Non-U.S. citizens may face deportation.
  • Heightened IRS Scrutiny: Future tax matters could become more challenging if you’ve been convicted of a tax-related crime.

Any one of these penalties has the potential to permanently disrupt your life and ongoing business ventures.

Need Legal Assistance? Get a Confidential Consultation Today!

If you’re the target of criminal tax charges or a criminal tax investigation, reach out to Tax Relief Counsel today to arrange a private, no-cost consultation. Our experienced tax attorney will assess the details of your case and help you find a way forward.

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How Our Criminal Tax Attorney Can Help You

The capable team at Tax Relief Counsel is dedicated to providing trustworthy guidance and robust defense to those facing tax-related legal challenges. Here’s how founder and lead attorney Ramy Shabana can assist you:

  • Extensive Legal Knowledge

    Ramy possesses a deep understanding of criminal tax matters and their solutions, ensuring that you have a skilled advocate on your side in the United States tax court.

  • Thorough Case Assessment

    Our team will thoroughly evaluate your case, examining the available evidence to formulate a strategic defense tailored to your unique situation.

  • Effective Legal Strategization

    We’ll develop a strong legal strategy to protect your rights and interests; we aim to achieve the best possible outcome, whether it’s through negotiation or litigation.

  • Negotiation with Tax Authorities

    We’ll handle necessary negotiations with the tax authorities to resolve your case, potentially reducing your charges or penalties.

  • Tenacious Representation in Court

    In cases requiring litigation, our team will provide vigorous representation, defending your interests in court and challenging the prosecution’s case.

  • Penalty Minimization

    We’ll work diligently to minimize your fines, imprisonment term, or the other potential consequences associated with a criminal tax conviction.

You don’t have to face this stressful situation alone. Contact Tax Relief Counsel for a confidential consultation and take the first step toward resolving your tax-related legal concerns.


Why Choose
Tax Relief Counsel?

Here are just a few reasons our clients trust us with their high-stakes criminal tax cases.



What is the statute of limitations for federal tax crimes, and how does it affect my case?

It depends on the specific offense involved. For tax evasion or fraud, the general statute of limitations is between three and six years from the date of the offense. However, this timeline can be extended if certain conditions are met.

It’s crucial to consult a qualified tax attorney to understand how the statute of limitations applies to your case, as exceptions and extensions may vary based on individual circumstances. Contact Tax Relief Counsel today for a free, confidential consultation.

Are there any tax amnesty or voluntary compliance programs available to resolve tax issues without criminal prosecution?

Yes. The IRS and some state tax authorities offer voluntary disclosure programs and tax amnesty initiatives that allow taxpayers to come forward voluntarily and rectify past tax issues without facing criminal prosecution.

That said, eligibility and terms can vary, and the specifics may change over time. Your tax attorney can determine whether you qualify for such programs and help you apply. Voluntary disclosure could help you avoid criminal charges for certain tax violations or mitigate the penalties you face.

Have Questions? Take Advantage of a No-Obligation Consultation

Explore your options and protect your rights. Contact us for a private consultation with our experienced tax defense attorney.