Tax Relief Counsel:

Trusted IRS Audit Attorney

If you’re in need of skilled IRS tax audit assistance, you can trust the seasoned IRS tax audit lawyer at Tax Relief Counsel to protect your financial well-being. We can help you navigate the intricacies of tax audits to offer security and peace of mind. Let’s discuss your case!

Experienced IRS Audit Lawyer in Washington, D.C.

Trusted Spouse Relief Lawyer in Washington, D.C.

Receiving a notice from the IRS often indicates issues like owing money to the federal government, errors on your tax return, or a tax audit for you or your business.

To further complicate matters, it’s often difficult for individuals and small businesses to handle tax law problems alone due to the complexity of federal tax law. Dealing with the IRS can also be highly stressful, especially when you’re already inundated with personal and professional responsibilities.

When facing a tax issue, it’s crucial to adhere to the required deadlines and rules. To ensure that you’re following all regulations and working toward a resolution, it’s highly recommended that you seek assistance from a qualified IRS audit lawyer in Washington, D.C.

Contact Tax Relief Counsel today for a free virtual consultation with our D.C. tax attorney. We help clients nationwide with IRS issues.

Common Reasons for IRS Audits

IRS audit statistics 2022

IRS audits can be triggered by numerous factors. The following are all common reasons for an unexpected audit.

Discrepancies in Income Reporting

Disparities between income reported on tax returns and information received from employers, financial institutions, or other sources frequently lead to audits.

Unusual Deductions

Claiming unusually high or questionable deductions, especially on business expenses, may draw scrutiny from the IRS.

High Earnings and High-Income Discrepancies

Individuals with high incomes or significant income changes are more likely to be audited. According to the GAO Report on IRS Audit Trends, higher-income taxpayers (those who earn $200,000 or more) were generally audited at higher rates compared to lower-income taxpayers from 2010 to 2019.

Self-Employment and Small Business Income

Self-employed individuals and small business owners often face audits due to potential underreporting of income or improper deductions.

Large Charitable Contributions

Claiming substantial charitable deductions without proper documentation may prompt an audit.

Offshore Accounts

The IRS closely monitors offshore bank accounts and may audit those with foreign financial interests.

Failure to File

Failing to file a tax return or report income is a surefire way to attract IRS attention.

Random Selection

The IRS occasionally conducts random audits to ensure compliance with tax laws.

Previous Audits

If you’ve been audited before, the IRS may want to take a look at your finances again, especially if there were unresolved issues the last time.

Dealing with the IRS as an individual or business owner can lead to any number of tax headaches. To overcome these obstacles, it’s essential to work with an IRS audit lawyer in Washington, D.C., who understands the complexity of federal tax law.

Potential Outcomes and Penalties of IRS Audits

Facing an IRS audit in D.C. can lead to various outcomes and potential penalties depending on the findings and your response. Here’s an overview of what you might encounter.

No Additional Federal Tax Liability

In some fortunate cases, the IRS may conclude that your tax return is accurate as filed. This means there’s no additional tax liability, and the audit is resolved without further financial obligations.

Additional Tax Owed

You may owe additional taxes if the IRS finds discrepancies resulting in a higher tax liability.

Audit Reconsideration

You can request an audit reconsideration if you believe the audit results are inaccurate due to missing or erroneous information. This will require you to provide new evidence or clarifications to support your position.


If you disagree with the audit findings, you have the right to appeal to the IRS Office of Appeals. Skilled legal representation can help you present a strong case and negotiate for a more favorable resolution.

Tax Court Litigation

Tax court litigation may become necessary when negotiations and appeals fail to resolve disputes. Our experienced tax audit attorneys can represent your interests in court, ensuring that your rights are protected.

Civil Liability for Tax, Interest, and Penalties

Failure to pay additional taxes owed can result in civil penalties, including interest and additional charges. These penalties can accumulate over time, leading to increased financial burdens.

Civil or Criminal Investigation

In cases where the IRS suspects tax fraud or evasion, the agency may initiate a civil or criminal investigation, potentially leading to criminal charges, fines, or other legal consequences.

Failing to comply with IRS laws and regulations can result in severe and financially damaging penalties. The IRS has the authority to deduct payments for tax debts directly from individuals’ paychecks through wage levies. In most cases, interest and penalties will continue to accumulate until the tax debt is paid.

Your IRS Audit Solution Starts Here - Get a Free Case Review

Reach out to Tax Relief Counsel today and discover the path to financial peace with our experienced IRS audit lawyer by your side.

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IRS Audit Resolution Strategies

Facing penalties and collection efforts from the IRS can be stressful, even overwhelming. Fortunately, there are strategies you can implement to ease your tax burden.

One is to make an offer in compromise (OIC), which allows you to pay the government a reduced amount of your total debt. Since this approach guarantees partial payment, it benefits both you and the government. To qualify for an OIC, you must dispute your tax liability or doubt your ability to pay the debt in full (26 U.S.C. § 7122).

If you can’t pay your full tax liability on time, another option is to set up a payment plan with the IRS, as provided under 26 U.S.C. § 6159. Depending on the plan, interest and penalties may be limited for faster repayment or extended for a longer period with additional fees.

A qualified tax lawyer can explain these options in greater detail and help determine which is best for your situation.

How We Can Help You

Facing an IRS audit is a daunting experience. Tax Relief Counsel is here to extend the knowledge and support you need to achieve the best possible outcome.

  • Dedicated Representation

    Experienced IRS audit lawyer Ramy Shabana has a deep understanding of both federal and local D.C. tax laws. He’ll carefully review your tax records and work with you to build a strong case to present to the IRS.

  • Transparent Communication

    Tax Relief Counsel will serve as your point of contact with the IRS, handling all official communication on your behalf. This ensures that you have a knowledgeable advocate in your corner throughout the process.

  • Effective Audit Strategies

    Attorney Shabana will tailor his approach to your specific situation, with the understanding that every audit is unique. Whether it’s a correspondence audit, office audit, or field audit, he can develop a strategic plan to address the IRS’s concerns and protect your interests.

  • Meticulous Document Preparation

    Proper documentation is critical during an audit. Shabana can assist you in gathering and organizing the documents and records you need to support your case.

  • Appeals and Negotiation

    If the IRS proposes adjustments you disagree with, Tax Relief Counsel can represent you in the appeals process. Mr. Shabana’s negotiation skills and experience can help resolve disputes swiftly and achieve a fair resolution.


Why Choose
Tax Relief Counsel?

Choosing Tax Relief Counsel to manage your IRS audit is a wise decision for many reasons. From document preparation to appeals and litigation, we offer a full spectrum of services to address your needs.

Our track record of successful IRS audit resolutions speaks for itself, with proven results in reducing penalties and avoiding other adverse outcomes. Your satisfaction is our top priority.


FAQs About
IRS Audits

What are the common IRS notices and letters regarding audits?

The IRS issues various notices and letters to notify taxpayers of impending audits and other tax-related matters. Here are some common documents worth knowing:

  • CP2000 Notice: Sent when the IRS identifies discrepancies between the income reported on your tax return and the information reported by third parties, such as employers or financial institutions.
  • Letter 2205, 2205-A, or 2205-B: Intended to inform you that your tax return has been selected for examination, providing details about the issues under review and the documentation required.
  • Letter 3572: Used when the IRS proposes changes to your tax return, but you have the opportunity to agree or disagree with the proposed adjustments.
  • Letter 525: Sent when the IRS has completed an audit and the findings indicate that you owe additional taxes; it explains the audit results and your appeal rights.
  • Letter 3219 or 692-H: These letters are audit appointment notices, informing you that you need to meet with an IRS auditor to discuss your tax return.

A qualified tax audit attorney can help interpret the notice you receive and plan a suitable course of action.

What do I do after receiving a tax audit letter from the IRS?

If you’ve received a tax audit letter from the IRS, seek the aid of a tax attorney right away.

Ignoring the audit won’t make it go away, and failing to effectively defend against it can result in the IRS seeking to collect back taxes, charging interest, and adding penalties. However, retaining the services of our D.C. tax resolution lawyer and developing a strategic defense may help reduce or even eliminate your liability.

Do I really need a tax lawyer if I’m being audited?

Attempting to handle an IRS audit on your own isn’t recommended. For one thing, the Internal Revenue Code is extremely complex, and you likely aren’t an expert in tax law. Moreover, an audit could cover multiple years of your federal tax returns, making preparing a response difficult. Auditors may also uncover issues indicative of possible tax evasion over the course of their audit, which would subsequently trigger a criminal investigation — making it all the more vital to have a lawyer from the onset of the audit.

It’s also strongly recommended that you do not substitute a qualified tax attorney for your certified public accountant (CPA). After all, the CPA who prepared the return that’s being audited would have a conflict of interest and may not be willing to admit any mistakes to the IRS. 

Furthermore, if you wish to dispute the outcome of the audit in the United States Tax Court, you would only be able to do so with an attorney. But most importantly, working with an attorney would ensure you have the benefit of attorney-client privilege and have your communications protected from the government. A CPA does not provide this privilege and may in fact be compelled by the government to disclose their communications with you.

Instead of going it alone, get help from Tax Relief Counsel. Veteran tax attorney Ramy Shabana can assess your risk and take the required actions on your behalf.

What if I can’t afford to pay what I owe the IRS?

To settle your IRS debt, you can either try negotiating a settlement agreement or opt for an offer in compromise. Both options come with specific rules and prerequisites. As such, it will be necessary to seek guidance from a skilled federal tax audit lawyer to negotiate effectively and achieve the best possible outcome.

What are the common types of IRS audits?

IRS audits can take numerous forms, each with its own level of complexity and attendant procedures. The most common types include:
  • Correspondence Audits: These are conducted via mail and typically involve minor issues like missing forms or clarification requests.
  • Office Audits: Auditors instruct you to visit an IRS office to discuss specific aspects of your tax return.
  • Field Audits: IRS agents conduct these in-person audits at your home, business, or accountant’s office, focusing on more complex tax matters.
These audits can be completed in differing levels of scope and intensity, including:
  • Limited Scope Audits: These audits don’t encompass your entire return but instead focus on specific items, such as deductions or credits.
  • Comprehensive Audits: A comprehensive audit is a full-scale examination covering all aspects of your tax return.
Furthermore, an audit can be triggered for a number of reasons, including:
  • Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program (TCMP) Audit: For the purposes of research and recovering lost revenue, the IRS periodically performs audits under the TCMP, which involve a full examination of an entity’s financial records and activities.
  • Random Audits: If you’re randomly selected for an audit, IRS agents will conduct a thorough review of all aspects of your personal or business tax return.
The type of audit you face depends on the complexity of your tax return and the issues raised by the IRS. Regardless, it’s crucial to seek the assistance of an experienced tax attorney if you’re audited.

What Are the Differences Between State and Federal Tax Audits in Washington, D.C.?

There are several key differences between state (D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue, or OTR) and federal (IRS) tax audits:

  • Taxing Authority: The IRS conducts federal tax audits, while the D.C. OTR focuses on audits for district taxes.
  • Tax Laws: Federal tax audits primarily focus on compliance with nationwide tax laws, while district tax audits in D.C. concern compliance with the District of Columbia’s tax code.
  • Audited Returns: The IRS audits federal income tax returns, including those filed by D.C. residents and businesses; the D.C. OTR audits individual and business tax returns in the District of Columbia only.
  • Auditors: Different agencies and auditors are responsible for federal and D.C. state tax audits.
  • Appeals Process: There are also separate processes for appealing federal and D.C. state tax audit findings.

It’s important to understand the distinctions between federal and state-level audits to ensure that you respond to your impending audit appropriately.

What’s the Difference Between an Audit and an Examination?

An IRS audit is a formal investigation initiated by the IRS to thoroughly review a taxpayer’s financial records and returns, often prompted by specific concerns or questions regarding compliance with federal tax laws.

By contrast, an examination is a more general term not limited to the IRS but also potentially involving other tax authorities that can encompass various reviews or checks of a taxpayer’s financial information. While audits are official and typically in-depth, examinations can vary in scope and formality.

Don't Take on the IRS Alone.
Contact Us Now!

An IRS audit isn’t something to take lightly. Neither is the prospect of responding to one. Reach out to Tax Relief Counsel today to get trustworthy guidance and support as you plan your next steps.