Maryland Comptroller

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Helping You Navigate Tax Challenges with the Maryland Comptroller

If you’re dealing with the Maryland Comptroller regarding tax issues, you’re not alone. Every year, numerous Maryland residents face challenges concerning audits, tax collections, appeals, and other related concerns. At Tax Relief Counsel, our trusted Maryland tax lawyer is here to provide the guidance and advocacy you need to navigate these challenges effectively. We understand the complexities of state and local tax laws, and our legal team will work with you to explore all available options for handling your situation. Contact our office today for a free virtual consultation to learn more about how we can help.

Maryland Comptroller

Maryland Audits & Examinations

Comptroller of Maryland Audit

The Comptroller of Maryland has measures to ensure that taxpayers are meeting their tax obligations. They conduct audits to verify that taxpayers are submitting correct information and paying the appropriate tax on their returns or any unfiled returns. As part of the audit process, the Comptroller requests different documents such as bills, expenses, bank statements, and more.

To make the audit process smoother, it is important to have organized supporting documents. In case the taxpayer is missing some documents or has unreported income, it is advisable to consider hiring a tax attorney. After the audit, the taxpayer may either end up with a tax liability, a refund, or no changes. If the taxpayer is not satisfied with the results, they can file an appeal to contest the changes made during the audit There are some nuances to this process, s if you have questions, contact Tax Relief Counsel and speak with our tax attorney today.

Common Collection Issues


The Maryland Comptroller, as part of their efforts to collect unpaid taxes, has the authority to place a lien against your property. This legal action can have significant implications, potentially hindering your ability to sell or refinance your property until the tax debt is resolved. It is crucial to address any outstanding tax obligations promptly to avoid potential complications and ensure a smooth real estate transaction process.


Levies, which are authorized actions by the Comptroller, empower them to seize your property in order to settle outstanding tax debts. This encompasses a wide range of assets, including but not limited to bank accounts, wages, and other valuable possessions that you may own. It is important to understand the implications and consequences of levies, as they can have a significant impact on your financial situation.

Installment Agreements

If you find yourself unable to pay your tax debt in full, don’t worry. There’s a possibility that you may be eligible for a convenient payment plan option that allows you to gradually settle your obligations over time. This way, you can manage your finances more effectively while fulfilling your tax responsibilities.

Offer in Compromise

Under certain conditions and based on individual circumstances, the Comptroller has the possibility to accept a reduced amount as a settlement for your tax debt. This flexibility allows for potential options to be explored, providing taxpayers with an opportunity to find a feasible resolution that aligns with their financial situation.

Penalties & Interest

When you have tax debts, it’s important to be aware that they can accumulate substantial penalties and interest charges. These additional costs can progressively increase the total amount you owe over time, making it crucial to address and resolve your tax obligations as soon as possible.

Navigating the Appeals Process

If you find yourself in disagreement with the assessment or actions of the Maryland Comptroller, it is within your rights to file an appeal. Below is an overview of the appeals process and what you can expect.

  1. Notice of Assessment: Once you receive this notice, you have 30 days to respond. If you don’t, the assessment becomes final.
  2. Request for Reconsideration: Within the 30-day window, you can request a reconsideration of the assessment. This is an informal review.
  3. Hearing: If you’re unsatisfied with the reconsideration outcome, you can request a formal hearing.
  4. Appeal to the Maryland Tax Court: If the hearing doesn’t go in your favor, you can appeal to the Maryland Tax Court.
  5. Further Appeals: Beyond the Maryland Tax Court, further appeals can be taken to the Circuit Court and, if necessary, the Court of Special Appeals.

Understanding Tax Collection in Maryland: Your Rights and Recourses

Are you currently facing challenges with the Maryland Comptroller regarding tax collection issues? At Tax Relief Counsel, our dedicated team is here to provide you with expert guidance and support. We are committed to ensuring that you not only understand your rights but also have a comprehensive understanding of the various avenues available for resolution.

With our extensive knowledge and experience in tax litigation, we will work tirelessly to advocate for your best interests and help you navigate through any complexities that may arise. Trust us to be your reliable partner in finding effective solutions to any and all tax challenges that you may be facing.

Common Tax Collection Challenges

Wage Garnishments

The Maryland Comptroller, as authorized by law, has the ability to claim a portion of your wages in order to satisfy any outstanding tax debts that you may have. These actions, when taken, can potentially exert significant pressure on your financial situation and overall well-being. It is important to be aware of this possibility and take proactive steps to address any tax obligations in a timely manner.

Property Seizures

In severe cases of tax delinquency, when individuals fail to settle their unpaid taxes, the state has the authority to take possession of personal assets, such as vehicles, homes, or other real property, in order to recover the outstanding tax debt. This legal action serves as a means for the government to enforce tax compliance and ensure the financial stability of the state.

Bank Account Levies

The Maryland Comptroller, as a regulatory authority, possesses the legal capability to freeze and withdraw funds from your bank accounts in specific circumstances. This measure is typically taken to ensure compliance with financial regulations and to address potential issues related to financial misconduct or fraud. It serves as a mechanism to uphold the integrity and security of the financial system.

License Holds

Professionals and businesses, especially those with significant tax liabilities, may face the risk of having their licenses held or even revoked. This can be a serious consequence that can have a detrimental impact on their operations and reputation. It is crucial for individuals and organizations to stay compliant with tax regulations and ensure timely payment of taxes to avoid such consequences. Taking proactive measures, such as seeking professional advice and implementing robust financial management practices, can help mitigate the risk and maintain a good standing in the business community.

Contact Tax Relief Counsel Today

Navigating tax issues with the Maryland Comptroller can be a complex and intimidating process. However, with our extensive expertise and deep understanding of tax laws and regulations, we are well-equipped to guide you through every step of the way. Whether you are an individual or a business owner, we provide tailored solutions to address your specific tax concerns and help you achieve optimal outcomes. Trust us to handle your tax matters with precision, efficiency, and the utmost professionalism. Don’t face Maryland’s tax challenges alone. Allow Tax Relief Counsel to guide you every step of the way. Contact Tax Relief Counsel now for a free virtual consultation to learn more about how we can help.