Tax Relief Counsel:

U.S. Tax Court

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U.S. Tax Court Litigation Lawyer in Washington DC

U.S. Tax Court Litigation

Tax Relief Counsel recognizes how complex the US tax system can be for individuals and businesses, especially when the IRS is sending you notices and assessments for payment. When faced with a tax dispute, you may find yourself in uncharted waters, especially with the U.S. Tax Court. Understanding the purpose, process, and nuances of the US Tax Court can help alleviate the stress of your tax issues. Tax Relief Counsel provides a clear guide to what the U.S. Tax Court is and demonstrate how our experienced U.S. Tax Court lawyer can assist you in the critical process of filing a U.S. Tax Court petition. Contact Tax Relief Counsel today for a free virtual consultation to learn more about how we can help you through this process. 

What Is the U.S. Tax Court?

The United States Tax Court is a federal court that provides taxpayers, like yourself, with a platform to resolve disputes between you and the IRS. Unlike other federal courts, U.S. Tax Court is unique as it does not follow the standard judicial process. Established under Article I of the U.S. Constitution rather than Article III, the Tax Court specializes in adjudicating tax disputes before any tax assessments from the IRS take place. This preemptive approach offers taxpayers an opportunity to challenge an IRS determination before paying the disputed amount.

Why Is the U.S. Tax Court Important?

U.S. Tax Court plays a critical role in maintaining checks and balances within the federal tax system. For example, if you’re subject to an IRS audit or received a Notice of Deficiency and you disagree with the proposed changes, U.S. Tax Court provides a forum for dispute resolution. You are afforded the opportunity to challenge the IRS’ findings without having to first pay the assessed taxes, penalties, and interest. This is a critical advantage to filing a petition with the U.S. Tax Court, particularly when the disputed amount is substantial.

How the U.S. Tax Court Works

When you receive a Notice of Deficiency or a Notice of Determination from the IRS, you have a 90-day window to file a petition with the U.S. Tax Court. However, if you previously bypassed IRS Appeals, your challenge will be referred to IRS Appeals for settlement. This time-sensitive process is your opportunity to challenge the IRS’s proposed changes or collections actions.

TRC’s Role as Your Tax Court Attorney

Successfully navigating the U.S. Tax Court’s processes demands an understanding of the specific tax codes, court procedures, and relevant legal precedents. This is where Tax Relief Counsel comes in. Our experienced tax attorney has a rich history of dealing with various tax disputes, giving Tax Relief Counsel a unique perspective and in-depth understanding to handle your case efficiently and effectively. Filing a petition in the U.S. Tax Court can be a daunting process, and a single error could jeopardize your chance at a fair hearing. Tax Relief Counsel helps ensure your petition is accurately prepared and timely submitted, preventing avoidable procedural errors. Furthermore, our tax attorney guides you through the process, helping you understand your rights and responsibilities at each step. TRC’s goal is not only to help you understand the complexities of U.S. tax law but also to aggressively advocate for your rights in the face of an IRS dispute. Whether we are negotiating with the IRS, litigating in U.S. Tax Court, or consulting with you to clarify your options, Tax Relief Counsel strives to put you in the best possible position to manage your tax liability.

Maryland Tax Attorney Handling All U.S. Tax Court Matters

At Tax Relief Counsel, we handle both new clients and those we previously represented in IRS appeals. Our firm has significant experience with all federal tax matters related to the subject matter jurisdiction of the U.S. Tax Court, including tax disputes and controversies.

  • Unsuccessful IRS Appeals – The U.S. Tax Court is most often sought out by individuals who have a federal tax liability due to an unsuccessful appeal with the IRS. If the IRS decides that you owe more taxes than you think, you can submit a request for re-determination to the U.S. Tax Court to avoid having to pay any unnecessary liabilities. The U.S. Tax Court is responsible for hearing cases that involve all kinds of IRS appeals. This includes appeals related to IRS examinations and other adjustments made by the IRS to taxpayers’ tax liabilities.
  • Innocent Spouse Relief – If you file a joint tax return with your spouse and they provide false information without your knowledge, you may be able to seek protection under the innocent spouse relief provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. By default, both spouses are held responsible for false statements on the tax return. However, if you qualify as an innocent spouse, you can apply for relief under either Section 6015(b) or 6015(f) of the IRC.
  • Worker Classification Issues – Businesses may be accused of incorrectly categorizing employees as independent contractors and face legal action from state and federal authorities. At the federal level, disputing these allegations starts with an IRS appeal and may proceed to a U.S. Tax Court case. To determine the proper classification of workers, the IRS uses a 20-factor test, which companies must address when seeking legal resolution in the U.S. Tax Court.
  • Collection Due Process – If you owe tax debt, the IRS may place a tax lien on your assets or levy them. But before this happens, you can contest it through a Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing. If the outcome isn’t in your favor, you can contest it again in the U.S. Tax Court.

Why Choose Tax Relief Counsel?

Tax Relief Counsel takes a holistic approach to each case. Every client, every situation, and every tax dispute is unique. That’s why TRC does not take a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, our tax attorney works to understand your specific circumstances, your goals, and the nuances of your case, ensuring a tailored strategy that best suits your needs. Tax Relief Counsel’s depth of knowledge, meticulous approach, and passionate advocacy position’s us as your top choice in navigating the U.S. Tax Court. With our experienced tax attorney at the helm, you can confidently face your tax dispute, knowing you have an industry-leading expert on your side. Facing a tax dispute need not be a daunting endeavor. Tax Relief Counsel provides the professional expertise and committed representation that can turn the tide in your favor. Allow Tax Relief Counsel to navigate the complexities of the U.S. Tax Court for you – you deserve nothing less than the best. Contact us now to schedule your free virtual consultation.


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